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  Registration for Kite courses 

 You register without commitments simply to receive notifications mainly by sms and sometimes by email whenever the wind conditions will be adequate to give lessons.  

Le champ SMS doit contenir entre 6 et 19 chiffres et inclure le code pays sans utiliser +/0 (ex. : 33xxxxxxxxx pour la France)

 This entire section is mandatory for insurance purposes. Rest assured, in 12 years of existence the KITEFORCE School has never had any accidents.  

 N.B. If you answered yes to any of the above topics, YOU MUST MEET THE GUIDE AND SHARE WITH IT.

I authorize KITEFORCE to share my contact details with the Quebec Kite Federation for membership purposes so that the Activity in which I participate respects its commitments to the federation and the civil liability insurance service. This membership, at a cost of $ 5 + txs. included in the price of your course gives me access to the services and advantages of individual members of the FQK. Therefore, I agree to receive the official publications (newsletter) of the federation (to which it is possible to unsubscribe at any time)